RE:Action Marketing Services Ltd. • 388 Parliament Street • Toronto M5A 2Z7 Canada • (416) 964-8049


RE:Action's services . . .

Databases & Lists


List management

One of the first challenges every direct-mail client must face is their mailing list.  Although few clients today require data entry, many clients still require other list management services.

Do some of your stakeholders maintain a list in dBase on a PC while others keep their list in Excel on a Mac?  Do you need to merge a list of leads from a recent trade show with your customer database?  Are you wrestling with legacy files with different structures and different formats?

Database maintenance

RE:Action has more than 20 years of experience with database maintenance, including deletions, updates, merges, purges and data conversion. RE:Action will research items returned by Canada post and update record codes.  RE:Action can combine data from different computer platforms and applications to prepare a master mailing list. RE:Action even develops customized database management applications in programs such as Microsoft Access for clients with ongoing database maintenance requirements.


RE:Action's database and list services also include regular and ad hoc reports, such as generating a list of contacts in Alberta for a regional sales meeting or exporting data into a company personnel directory organized by region.

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All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.