RE:Action Marketing Services Ltd. • 388 Parliament Street • Toronto M5A 2Z7 Canada • (416) 964-8049


RE:Action's services . . .



Today's business environment is in a constant state of change. Customers are gaining new and better access to product information and cost options while businesses compete to implement ever-more-efficient technologies. Using the Internet, small entrepreneurs and consultants working from home offices can compete with much larger businesses.

Although marketing strategies are changing to stay current with the business environment, the basics of marketing remain the same. Successful marketing is still based on a proven process: careful planning first; then implementation.

RE:Action helps clients hone marketing strategies, develop marketing plans and implement marketing programs. RE:Action works with some clients on a project basis while others hire RE:Action to manage their entire marketing program.

RE:Action can help:

  • analyze markets and competition

  • identify opportunities

  • develop marketing strategy & tactics

  • implement marketing programs

  • analyze results

Click here to send us details about your marketing requirements.

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© 2002 RE:Action Marketing Services Limited, Toronto, Canada
All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.