RE:Action Marketing Services Ltd. • 388 Parliament Street • Toronto M5A 2Z7 Canada • (416) 964-8049


RE:Action's services . . .

Direct Mail

RE:Action handles direct marketing programs for many different clients.  From database maintenance to business reply cards, RE:Action assists clients with every phase of direct marketing, from copy strategy and design to target selection, merges, printing, distribution and fulfillment.

RE:Action works with each client to determine the direct mail mechanics that will be best-suited to their communications objectives, their timelines and their budget from the dimensions and weight of materials to the merits of bulk mail versus first class mail or courier.

For more specific information about RE:Action's direct mail services, visit these links:

For immediate assistance with your direct mail needs, call Gerry Graves at (416)964-8049 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday,

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Click here to send us a message about your direct marketing requirements.

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© 2002 RE:Action Marketing Services Limited, Toronto, Canada
All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.